

Shin-Torokozawa PARCO

1 minute walk

Shin-Tokorozawa PARCO is a fashion building operated by Parco Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of J. Front Retailing, located in Midori-cho, Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture. Located at the west exit of Shin-Tokorozawa Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line.

This is PARCO’s first suburban store. Since its opening, the New Family has been the main targeted customer group, and a gourmet area is set up underground. There is also Seiyu, a new Tokorozawa store (formerly Saison Group store) nearby.

Parco’s business district covers the entire area of Tokorozawa City. There are stores in front of Tokorozawa Station, the core of the Seimori Group, the Tokorozawa Store of Seibu Department Store, and in front of Seiyu Tokorozawa Station. Since Tokorozawa is the headquarters of Seibu Railway, both the former Nishimori Group and Seibu Group operate here.

There are only two PARCO suburban stores along the Seibu Shinjuku and Seibu Ikebukuro lines: home store and Hibarigaoka PAL. Ikebukuro PARCO exists as an urban store.

With an area of 60,000 square meters, it was the largest suburban retail store at the time of its opening.

It consists of two buildings, “PARCO Hall” and “Let’s Hall”. On the 4th floor of Let’s Building, there is “Shin Tokorozawa Let’s Cine Park” of the Theater Cinema Group, the only movie theater in Tokorozawa city.
